Help with advanced searching

The advanced search has been designed to allow for more complex searches of the database than can be done by the other ways of searching.

If you don't find what you want at first, it is often worth thinking about searching in a different way.

There are always two steps to an advanced search:

Step 1

  • You can choose from lists of criteria types :
    • Access - Disability
    • Access - Language
    • Access - Referral by
    • Areas Served - Postcode
    • Areas Served - Primary Care Trust
    • Keyword
    • Organisation Type
  • There are three different boxes.
  • You can choose from 1, 2 or all 3 boxes.
  • Each box gives you the same choice of criteria types.
  • You can use these boxes to choose from up to 3 different criteria types, or you may want to choose the same type more than once. (For example, you may want to search using more than one keyword.)

Step 2

  • Allows you to choose specific criteria from within each of the groups chosen at Step 1.
  • You will be able to choose from the same number of boxes (1, 2 or 3) as you chose at Step 1.
  • You can choose two or more different criteria from each box by holding down 'CTRL' on your keyboard while choosing.


Search: all organisations that offer counselling to people with alcohol addiction

Step 1

  • box 1 - choose 'Keywords'
  • box 2 - choose 'Keywords'
  • ignore box 3
  • click on 'Go to Step 2'

Step 2

  • - box 1 - choose 'Counselling'
  • box 2 - choose 'Alcohol'
  • click on 'Display Results'

Leeds Mental Health Directory


Other ways of searching:

Directory updates:

Search the whole site:
(uses Google)